You are one powerful human! And you are here to live an abundant life. First, know that God is with you and you are surrounded and supported by the whole universe! As you begin to believe this, you will realize that you are called to BE MORE! 2023 is a powerful year for you and your journey. In this episode you will learn to "hold a vision" for your life and world.
Release Old Baggage | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 239
Releasing old baggage is the tremendous work of the soul. Self-limiting beliefs, holding onto things in the physical and even emotional hurts can keep you from truly living your dreams and goals. When you agree at the level of the soul to begin to heal, the releasing of the old becomes necessary, as you see the part it has played in blocking your growth. The most important work of release is forgiveness.
My hope and prayer is that you will have the faith and courage to move forward and do this important work as a blessing for your soul!
Allow Yourself to Dream | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 238
Intention, Not Resolutions | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 237
Around the new year, people often share their resolutions...this often done over a drink or at an office gathering. Mostly these are said in jest and are not really on purpose. And research has shown that most people (over 90%) have no idea what their resolutions were by the end of the first week in the new year. I like to call most resolutions "a dream, without commitment." That said, we work with spiritual intention instead of resolutions. Intention is when we work at the level of the soul and become present to our inner desires, goals and dreams. Once we dial in to our inner soul, we can become still so that some more expansive can come forward for us. Simply setting your intention will begin to chart the course of your life and year. Our hope for you is a life of purpose and happiness. Be bold and set your intention!
Live Big! | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 236
As you begin to listen more deeply to your inner guidance, you will feel the love and joy in every moment - and you will be able to accomplish so much! A person who is happy and on purpose, draws so much good energy and opportunity! Are you experiencing this? If you are - AWESOME! And if you are not -- don't worry! You can - and will...listen in to this show about how to LIVE BIG!
And remember dear friend, you are a gift to the world.
(Another) Stress-Free Christmas | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 235
Did you know it was possible to live a stress-free Christmas? Well, it can be a lot of fun! It is amazing to have a holiday where you actually only do the things that make you happy and not what is necessarily "expected". For some of us, this is a brand new idea...are you willing to try it? I hope so!
Spiritually Guided Giving | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 234
It's really fun to practice spiritual principles during the holiday season. You can try out your ability to trust your intuition and receive guidance in your gift purchases! It is fun...and you can intuit what will serve you the most as you go about it. God's will for you is good - and you are guided to your good for yourself and on behalf of others!
Intuition and the Holidays | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 233
Have you ever had a feeling that you just KNEW what was yours to do? Or maybe you had a KNOWING...both of these ideas are rooted in the intuition. The intuition is the work of the soul and goes beyond the conscious mind. There is a special aspect of you that is always seeking good for you - it lives at the level of the soul and is supporting you, even now. Take some time to get quiet and listen. Then you will be able to move forward with grace and confidence to do what is yours to do.
This holiday season will be full of more love, more joy and more good as you listen and dialogue with the universe! Happy Holidays!
Eddie Selover | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 232
Special Guest, Eddie Selover, is said to be one of the 50 Most Powerful People in Orlando. Eddie is a wonderful soul on his own spiritual journey and this intersects with his work in the greater community and his business acumen. Eddie serves as the Vice President of Communications at CapAcuity. Eddie is also the Host of Orlando's Pecha Kucha. Enjoy!
Grace and Gratitude | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 231
Graciousness is a quality that is missing in today's society...and is a joy to practice and bring back! Graciousness says through action, "I want you to feel safe, I want you to be comfortable, and I will extend myself to you." Grace and gratitude both bring you out of yourself and honor another. This episode will inspire you to bring more graciousness into your work and personal life. Graciousness is a true gift!
Surviving the Holidays with Difficult Family Members | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 230
Well, the first question you may be asking is..."Do I have to?" And the short answer is "NO!" However, you are being called to move into consciousness... and what better way than to have a conscious idea about your holiday experience this year? In this episode, you will learn some strategies about how to prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually when you have to go into potentially difficult situations. And you can have happy holidays!
What If You Didn't React? | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 229
Have you ever been in a situation that caused you anger and you had a hard time managing your emotions? Yes? Well...all of us have, so you are in good company. But what we seek to do on the spiritual journey, is to manage our emotions...this is different from "stuffing them" and doesn't mean we get to "fly off the handle" when we have a feeling. It means that we learn, over time, to see things through a spiritual lens. This can give great understanding and also help us act in the best interest of our souls.
This is an important episode for anyone on the spiritual journey. It is possible to transmute and transcend the difficult emotions and let them pass through you...rather than attach to the emotions and then seek to destroy everyone in sight. You are capable, dear friend...find out how by listening to this episode!
Masks We Wear | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 228
What masks do you wear? Most of us are in a personality mode of all kinds of masks - you may be a dad or mom or business owner. You may have a "I have it all together" kind of mask...or, you may wear a "I know it all" mask. Whatever the mask, guaranteed it is from the personality/limited self. Our goal is to live from soul.
This episode will inspire you to become more aware of the masks you wear and come up and out into the soul. Blessings on the journey, dear friends!
The Zen Executive with Rev. Jim Blake | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 227
Hitting Roadblocks | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 226
What happens when you hit a roadblock? It could be a "pause" and this pause can have many,, many lessons for you! Learn more about how to navigate the seeming blocks and communication from the you go along life's journey. This episode is fun, challenging and enlightening for your individual spiritual journey and your journey's success.
Flow | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 225
Flow is a state of being. It is not something you have to "get into" but is something you are. The flow is both felt and lived and cannot easily be described in words...but I will seek to do this during this episode. Flowing feels good and puts you right in the present moment and lifts you into a higher state of awareness. And even though it feels good, it is beyond feeling and emotion and actually is a rising above the emotional state. Flow is a heightened awareness from the spiritual state of mind. FLOW, BABY, FLOW!
Faith in the Increase | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 224
What happens once you release? You have to WAIT for the increase! This takes a great deal of faith at times, especially when we "want it now." This show will take you through some steps and exercises as a reminder of the many things you can do to support this stage of your growth and spiritual development. We will discuss the various pitfalls as well as successes that will come as a result of exercising your God-given power of Faith!
The Power of Release | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 223
Release is one of your most powerful spiritual tools! Release is a key to abundance and flow in your life. If you are feeling stuck in any area, chances are that release is needed. This process is mental, emotional, physical and spiritual and will engage your spirit, soul and body. You have the power to change your life for the better by using the power of release. As you release, more will be manifested for you!
Your Next Frontier of Healing | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 222
Honor Your Ancestors | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 221
There is no wrong way to pray...and I am sure there have been many ways you have prayed at different times on the journey. During this show you will hear first hand accounts of answered prayers as well as get ideas for new prayers that will support your individual spiritual journey. You will be empowered to create your BEST LIFE NOW by using the power of prayer to enhance your life.