How Do I Pray? | Experience of the Soul 323
We often discuss prayer on the show and in our churches we pray. But are we praying daily? Or regularly? It is important to have a prayer practice that supports your soul's growth and evolution.
This episode investigates the various types of prayer and practices that can support you feeling connected and blessed. There is no wrong way to pray, but there are ways to pray that will help your alignment with God, Jesus and all things holy.
Feeling Stuck? | Experience of the Soul 322
“Feeling stuck” is a regular part of life’s journey. Many people feel disillusioned and lost when this seeming block occurs. But I can assure you that even this is a necessary and important part of the journey.
When we feel stuck what it really means is we are feeling disconnected from God. If you feel disconnected, it is only a feeling. This episode will help you rise up and out of the disconnect and give you various practices to get “unstuck” and connected again.
Fear of Change | Experience of the Soul 316
The Truth Will Set You Free | Experience of the Soul 315
In this episode of the Experience of the Soul podcast, host Cynthia Alice Anderson explores the profound statement from the Gospel of John: "The truth will set you free." Cynthia and producer Shawn Kilgore discuss the spiritual, emotional, and psychological implications of living in truth, emphasizing spiritual growth and wholeness.
Personal Transformation | Experience of the Soul 313
Strength in Community | Experience of the Soul 311
A healthy community of any kind is food for the heart and soul, and there is great strength in spiritual community.
I am investing my time, energy and financial resources in building an online spiritual community that will help you grow, prosper and evolve. It is one of resilience, authenticity and shared values.
Soul-centered growth and comprehensive spiritual study will be a regular part of this community.
How are you sharing spiritual community or engaging in community now?
Heal Your Trauma | Experience of the Soul 310
People in the world today know more about their trauma than ever…the problem is, we are so busy naming the trauma, and frankly, owning the trauma, we forget to heal it! Healing trauma is virtually a lifelong pursuit but certainly worth it. As we heal, we learn that we have been seeing life through a lens that is both limiting and unhelpful. Once we choose to heal and consciously begin that process, we look through a lens of clarity, with a sense of purpose and passion for life.
The Thing That Matters Most | Experience of the Soul 309
What is the thing that matters most? Many would say family…and family is important. Others would say that relationships are the most important. In behaviors, we often would say that money is important. And you do need money to live, but by no means is money the most important. The thing that matters most is your soul. Because all else - family, relationships and even your relationship to money is all a reflection of your soul. Your soul matters most.
The Problem of Evil | Experience of the Soul 308
Evil is something we deal with every day, from images on television to insinuating ads and marketing. We are bombarded with evil in ways that often go unnoticed, but negatively impact our journey and soul growth. This important discussion will help you identify and then consciously choose out of those unknown ways you are unconsciously allowing evil into your life.
OK, But What Are You Thinking About It? | Experience of the Soul 307
Solitude as a Scheduled Spiritual Practice | Experience of the Soul 306
Time in solitude is important to remain connected, focused, and grounded. Life on life’s terms can be harried, unfocused, and conflicted. It can be anxious, frenetic, and even depressing. Solitude can change all that. Times in solitude can be peace, solace, and a kind of healing balm to the soul. Time outside in nature, deep breaths, and meditation can be an important aspect of this practice. Are you making time for you to be in solitude? Remember that you are worth it!
Ease and Grace | Experience of the Soul 305
Doesn't "ease and grace" sound better than "difficulty and worry"? As you mature on your spiritual journey, you can access and live from a place of peace—a place characterized by "ease and grace." There is a confidence and a reality beyond this third dimension of consciousness—it is the fourth dimension, the place of Christ. Once you recognize this as the one true reality, a life of ease and grace increasingly becomes your experience.
The Season of Change | The Magnetic Voice #84
Monique McDonald, The Magnetic Voice
Shannon Kropf, Shannon Kropf Creative
Unleash Your Authentic Voice
Join the Green Room!
Business Speaking Mastery Course
Get Your Complimentary Connection Call
Lessons at The Magnetic Voice
Shannon Kropf Creative
This channel is made possible because of listeners just like you. If you would like to support the channel with your tax-deductible contribution on an ongoing basis or through a one-time gift, head over to
And if you enjoy this podcast, you can help spread the word by leaving a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or the platform of your choice.
The Magnetic Voice is copyright 2024, Monique McDonald. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Experience of the Soul | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 300
Change is an ongoing aspect of the soul journey. And the staff and production team is going through a change now! And we honor that change and also bless the over 5 years of shows and production that have brought us to this moment. An enlightening conversation ends the run of the Authentic Spiritual Journey and begins the next step on the Experience of the Soul Podcast journey!
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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson
The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.
Honor Your Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 299
Honoring your path and journey is a part of owning your own spiritual power and authority. It is yours and only yours. Many people will have influenced it along the way; from family members to ministers and friends and yes, even those we have thought of as enemies.
When looking at life through a spiritual lens, it becomes apparent that everything that is happening now is to help our soul grow more into the soul we were destined to be. Now I know we want life to be easy. But is it ever? There are times of ease and plenty and times of trial and growth. It helps to know that those times are connected and equal in the eyes of God. Honor your journey!
Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298
The Observer Self | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 144
We want to hear from you!
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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson
The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.
Woman Power | The Magnetic Voice #82
Monique McDonald, The Magnetic Voice
Shannon Kropf, Shannon Kropf Creative
Unleash Your Authentic Voice
Join the Green Room!
Business Speaking Mastery Course
Get Your Complimentary Connection Call
Lessons at The Magnetic Voice
Shannon Kropf Creative
This channel is made possible because of listeners just like you. If you would like to support the channel with your tax-deductible contribution on an ongoing basis or through a one-time gift, head over to
And if you enjoy this podcast, you can help spread the word by leaving a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or the platform of your choice.
The Magnetic Voice is copyright 2024, Monique McDonald. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298
Own your power is a journey. Are you owning you own power? And when I say power, I mean spiritual power. Knowing your power is really knowing your worth. When you know your worth, true power, which comes from God, is absolutely yours!
Are you owning that innate goodness and living it in the world? Your power is from God, yet most of us are taught to be quiet - - "seen and not heard" and yet the scriptures tell us to "shine your light". It is possible to live a spiritual life and still own your power. It is a holy thing.
We want to hear from you!
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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson
The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.
Courage (Part 2) | Healing Your Family Legacy #161
Contact Dr. Bevan-Lee by email
Donna's Website
Iron Legacy: Childhood Trauma and Adult Transformation
by Donna Bevan-Lee and Laura King
This channel is made possible because of listeners just like you. If you would like to support the channel with your tax-deductible contribution on an ongoing basis or through a one-time gift, head over to
And if you enjoy this podcast, you can help spread the word by leaving a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or the platform of your choice.
Healing Your Family Legacy is copyright 2024, Donna Bevan-Lee. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Learning to Flow | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 297
Doesn't it seem like the whole world wants you to rush right now? And multi-task? Like crazy?! I know that is the message I am seeing and hearing...but there is another way. To be at peace and to flow is a state of awareness and beingness. It is a feeling of light, love and spaciousness. It happens internally first usually, but occasionally I have to go into nature to really vibe and flow with all that is.
Breathing is key to getting there. Deep breathing. Breath literally is flow. Take a deep breath right now. How do you feel? Learn to flow with life through the power of breathing and being present. Breathe...flow.
Breathe | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 273
We want to hear from you!
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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson
The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.
Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.