Experience of the Soul | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 300

Change is an ongoing aspect of the soul journey. And the staff and production team is going through a change now!  And we honor that change and also bless the over 5 years of shows and production that have brought us to this moment.  An enlightening conversation ends the run of the Authentic Spiritual Journey and begins the next step on the Experience of the Soul Podcast journey!  

Experience of the Soul | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 300
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Honor Your Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 299

Honoring your path and journey is a part of owning your own spiritual power and authority. It is yours and only yours.  Many people will have influenced it along the way; from family members to ministers and friends and yes, even those we have thought of as enemies.

When looking at life through a spiritual lens, it becomes apparent that everything that is happening now is to help our soul grow more into the soul we were destined to be.  Now I know we want life to be easy.  But is it ever?  There are times of ease and plenty and times of trial and growth.  It helps to know that those times are connected and equal in the eyes of God.  Honor your journey!

Honor Your Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 299
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298

The Observer Self | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 144

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298

Own your power is a journey.  Are you owning you own power?  And when I say power, I mean spiritual power.  Knowing your power is really knowing your worth. When you know your worth, true power, which comes from God, is absolutely yours! 

Are you owning that innate goodness and living it in the world?  Your power is from God, yet most of us are taught to be quiet - - "seen and not heard" and yet the scriptures tell us to "shine your light".  It is possible to live a spiritual life and still own your power.  It is a holy thing.

Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Learning to Flow | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 297

Doesn't it seem like the whole world wants you to rush right now?  And multi-task? Like crazy?! I know that is the message I am seeing and hearing...but there is another way.  To be at peace and to flow is a state of awareness and beingness.  It is a feeling of light, love and spaciousness.  It happens internally first usually, but occasionally I have to go into nature to really vibe and flow with all that is.

Breathing is key to getting there.  Deep breathing.  Breath literally is flow.  Take a deep breath right now.  How do you feel?  Learn to flow with life through the power of breathing and being present. Breathe...flow.

Learning to Flow | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 297
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Breathe | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 273

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Your Authentic Spiritual Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 296

Your authentic spiritual journey is just that - - it's yours! Please try not to compare yourself and your journey to others.  I know this is difficult in a culture of social media comparisons and the age of put-downs...but this is anything BUT spiritual. Always be asking the question:  How does this apply to me and my journey?

This will create a culture and environment of growth and healing.

Your Authentic Spiritual Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 296
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Being A Spiritual Grown-Up | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 295

Are you a spiritual grown-up?  And are you ready to play with the big kids and sit and eat at the adult table?  If you were attracted to this show and podcast then the answer to those questions is a resounding YES! Being a spiritual grown-up is dedicating yourself to your spiritual practice, being in integrity with yourself and your God and taking responsibility for what is yours to do and be. 

Being A Spiritual Grown-Up | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 295
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson

This idea scares some people, but to people who are serious about the soul's journey, this is both a pleasure and blessing!  If things in life could be better, it might be time to take a look inward and ask yourself some questions:

  • Am I showing up for myself and my process?

  • Am I keeping my commitment to my own spiritual growth?

  • Am I taking responsibility for what is mine to do and be?

  • Am I getting help when I need help or offering help to others?

  • Am I praying daily and tapping into the Divine to lead my life?

  • And always, ALWAYS give thanks! Thank you, God!  Thank you, God!  Thank you, God! And so it is. Amen.

Listen to this show for more information on the 10 impossible things!


Integrity With Your Process | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 290

Anything is Possible For Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 289

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Love Is All You Need | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 294

A song I grew up hearing was, "Love Is All You Need."  When I first heard it, I can tell you I had no idea what love really was.  And truthfully I am still learning what love is and how it is expressed by God, through me and others.

The scriptures talk more about love then any other idea, 645 times in fact in the New Living Translation, which is interesting, considering that places of worship can be so full of gossip, backbiting and other forms of unhealthy behaviors.  It is a radical kind of love that we all need.  This episode explores the need for love and the tremendous challenge before us to love more fully and deeply.

Love Is All You Need | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 294
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Dan Bray | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 293

Dan Bray focuses on working with clients seeking an intellectual approach to creating design solutions for their personal space, dwelling and/or workplace.   He strives to create evocative spaces that are founded in both integrity and spirituality, enlightening others to  “connect”  with their place of home or work, resulting in an authentic and highly-personable expression of themselves, with a sense of sophistication and style, absent of ostentation or pretentiousness. 

Dan Bray | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 293
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Restoration | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 292

In today's idea of restoration, it means making something look like it's original form.  In spiritual ideas, it means to make new and be better than the original!  Isn't this good news?  And, the scriptures tell us that we will never again be put to shame.  This is all from the book of Joel, chapter 2.

Many of us believe that we are doomed to our life as it is because of our past conditions or what has happened to us.  But this is not true. There is always restoration and redemption. You can trust in that!  What in your life needs to be restored?  Your faith? Your belief in good? Your spirit?  Your body?  Your soul?  The promise of the scripture is that you will be able to be restored!

Restoration | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 292
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

The Name of Your Movie | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 291

If you were to make a movie of your life, what would you call it?  And who would play you?  What would the main themes be?  These are important questions for the serious spiritual seeker.  Where are you now?  Is it a hero's journey?  Is it a story of missed opportunities?  Or are you coming into your biggest life now?  Who is leading you?  What is motivating you?  How are you looking to God in creating this new life?

The Name of Your Movie | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 291
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Anything is Possible For Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 289

Your Life Plan | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 195

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Integrity With Your Process | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 290

Are you working it?  Are you still writing your 10 Impossible Things Daily?  This is an awesome practice...and if you are NOT doing it.  Now is the time to start.  Integrity with your process is so important.  What does this mean?  It means sticking to and showing up for yourself, and honoring what you say is important.

If you have integrity with yourself, you will do everything in your power, to move forward.  If you don't, you will be one of those folks who has a "wish" and doesn't really own their dream.  People who only wish, don't see manifestation. It is the folks dedicated to themselves and their journey.  Is that you?

Integrity With Your Process | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 290
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Unity Prayer Ministry

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Anything is Possible For Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 289

Anything is possible - - so dream big!  What do you want to do or be?  What is in your heart that you can't let go?  Listen to that!  I am sure you already know what it is.  You see, I believe that each of us, if we are here on planet earth, we have a desire to do and be more.  What is your NEW ...DO AND BE?  During this important kick-off to the new year you will be given an assignment for the next 30 days. Tune in to jump-start your year!

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." -  Matthew 19:26, NIV

Anything is Possible For Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 289
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Hope Is Born | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 288

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." - Luke 2:11

Hope is born!  Hope was born in the form of a baby over 2000 years ago and brings hope, still today.  Jesus was born at a time of political unrest,  high taxes and a general feeling of powerlessness.  Does this sound familiar?  Even today, we are in the dynamic.  A relationship with Jesus the Christ is a place of hope and renewal.  Are you connecting with this power?  Allow hope to be born in you this day!  And you can take the Christ presence out into the world and bring hope to those around you.

Hope Is Born | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 288
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Song by Michael W Smith, "The Promise"

God Loves Me | | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 279

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Raymond Ussery and Terri Gilbert | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 287

So, where do you start when it comes to delivering a message of love?  It came down to building and fostering an environment where individuals could share who they were in a vulnerable, authentic place without judgment. 

The idea was to be able to have people hear the "other" side in a heartfelt and meaningful way.  The foundation of this message has led people to connect and understand each other on a human level — a vital step to fulfilling our vision where love wins.

Raymond Ussery and Terri Gilbert | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 287
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Love Is My Religion

LIMR on Instagram

Raymond Ussery

Terri Gilbert

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Your Christmas List | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 286

"What do you want for Christmas?"  This is a question most of us are asked every year and we ask our children as well.  We will say, "make a list and let me know what you want!"  And this is fun...I even engage my spirituality in asking for and buying gifts as to where and how to shop.  This is always a delight to see how Spirit/universe will engage with me.

That said, maturing in the journey is moving past me or mine. The evolving soul moves beyond the limited and personal self into the collective.  What is your wish for the collective and how are you playing a part in bringing this into fruition?

Your Christmas List | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 286
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Natalie Cole singing, "My Grown-Up Christmas List"

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Making New Traditions | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 285

Making new traditions is a way to have a wonderful experience of the holidays!  It is so important to have your special traditions be reflective of your new consciousness and practice.

As you grow and mature on the journey, it is also meaningful to bring forward the things of the past with new meaning and awareness and beginning new practices and traditions for your family today. This episode is an important call for a new experience of the Christ spirit.

Making New Traditions | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 285
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


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Silent Unity Prayer Support:  816-969-2000
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Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Heather Lanier | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 284

Heather Lanier is the author of two award-winning poetry chapter books along with the memoir, Raising a Rare Girl. She writes at the intersections of spirituality, motherhood and feminism.  Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The All Street Journey, The Sun, Time and more.  Her TED talk, "Good and Bad are Incomplete Stories We Tell Ourselves" has been viewed nearly 3 million times.

Heather also works as an Assistant Professor of creative writing at Rowan University.  She attends the Episcopal church and practices daily meditation.

Heather is a gift to the world as she shares some of her soul's journey with us.

What Is Good? | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 283
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

What Is Good? | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 283

What is on your mind...right now?  Where is your focus?  What are you ruminating over and wondering about?  I have learned a powerful lesson about the mind and soul.  Put simply, whatever I focus is on, I get more of - and that is the truth! Have you noticed this?

I also know that my emotions, when combined with powerful thoughts, will magnify those thoughts and energy to create this reality in my life. So, right now as you read this, think about:  WHAT IS GOOD?  And allow your mind to answer this question. You will receive a blessing and be able to bless others as well.  What is good?

Philippians 4:8, New International Version

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

What Is Good? | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 283
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Suicide Hotline:  988
Silent Unity Prayer Support:  816-969-2000
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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Getting Support | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 282

You don't have to do this alone.  As a matter of fact, getting support will affirm good choices and help you ascertain what is best at the given moment.  It is important to have a feedback loop on behaviors, as it's often hard to view yourself.  Support is not passive.  It is a kind of accountability combined with love and grace.

So if you are receiving this - GREAT!  And if not, it might be time to seek counsel or support for your journey.  Choosing the right counsel will  catapult your journey forward and give you peace.  There is also the inner support you receive from the heavenly realms.  This support comes through the soul of you.  Having both inner and outer support will affirm you and your chosen path!

Getting Support | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 282
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Suicide Hotline:  988
Silent Unity Prayer Support:  816-969-2000
To request prayer: 

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Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.

Walking Inside of Fear | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 281

Fear is the major barrier that is keeping you from your highest spiritual self and growth.  I often say, "There is nothing to fear."  And people answer back, "Nothing to fear?  Are you crazy? What about not enough money? Or food?  Or walking in a bad neighborhood?  Turn on the news -- there is PLENTY to be afraid of."

Yes, friends.  Fear will steal your joy and state of mind on the regular, if you allow it to. This episode is about facing the fear, walking inside of it, confronting it and getting it to back down so the soul can shine through.  Fear is a part of the curriculum and facing it and conquering will be the biggest blessing of your life.

Walking Inside of Fear | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 281
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Home Alone movie clip - "Shut up"

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More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

Note: as an Amazon Associate, Cynthia Alice Anderson may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through these links.