Honor Your Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 299

Honoring your path and journey is a part of owning your own spiritual power and authority. It is yours and only yours.  Many people will have influenced it along the way; from family members to ministers and friends and yes, even those we have thought of as enemies.

When looking at life through a spiritual lens, it becomes apparent that everything that is happening now is to help our soul grow more into the soul we were destined to be.  Now I know we want life to be easy.  But is it ever?  There are times of ease and plenty and times of trial and growth.  It helps to know that those times are connected and equal in the eyes of God.  Honor your journey!

Honor Your Journey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 299
Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson


Own Your Power | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 298

The Observer Self | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 144

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The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

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